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What is Project UF UTAU, anyway?

     Project UF UTAU stands for "Project Uta Forum UTAUloid. It's not necessarily an UTAU to represent the community, but the sole purpose of this project is to make an UTAUloid & voicebank almost entirely decided by the UF community.The way the UF community is actually involved, is they're either on our DEV team, or they're voting. What's voted for? Everything about the UTAU. The language, Offical artist, number of pitches, etc. Everyone who wants to be is involved that way. In the end, everyone's votes will shape the UTAUloid to be who it is. 

I Wanna be involved, So how can I be? 

Easy! vote, vote, vote! Polls are still in progress, so you can still help decide who Project UF UTAUloid will be! To your left, you'll see links to whatever polls are going on at the moment! Don't worry about missing them, each time a new poll is posted it will also be posted in the UtaForum thread!

Also, for more recent poll results, view the polls tab!

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